
Increasing the Nutrients in your Veggies

Last year, I started adding a new routine to fertilizing my GT2.  I had come across this article about a Dr. Maynard Murray, who was doing research on soil nutrient depletion, and  was studying to use seawater as well as nutrients in the ocean to produce fertilizers that would enhence the nutritional value of the plants.  He started this company called Ocean Solutions, and is producing supplements for use in agricultural use.    I had started using their products, and did find that there is a difference in the taste of of veggies that were fertilized by the Ocean Solution products.   You can go to Ocean Solution’s website to read his entire story.  Below is a study analysis done by KSU University.  Very impressive indeed!  So if you are interested in improving in the nutritional quality of the plants you grow, try this and you will get a pleasant surprise.  #improvingnutrientsinveggies #fertilizer

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