The indoor cannabis plants has developed to the stage that they have enough leaves to do a first time smoothy, so there I go. I wanted to start slowly since this is the first time I am doing this, so I picked 8 leaves, half of what is recommended in Kristen Courtney’s account. It was raining heavily outside, so I did not want to go out and shop for ingredients. I just used what I had on hand and made myself a green smoothy. It was delicious!!! Better than the Jamber Juice smoothy! I really do not have the percentages of the THC and CBD in my plant, as I am not able to have the leaves tested, so it is all by trial and error. So far I have taken the smoothy for an hour, no adverse effects. As to the benefits, I probaby have to drink a few more times before I can tell, whether it helps with my RA symptoms and pains. In future smoothies, I will continue to stick with 8 canna leaves for a few more times before I increase on the amount of leaves; besides, I won’t have enough leaves until the plants get established more. Will keep you all posted.
Here is my receipe:
- One banana
- Half the juice of a green lime
- Half an apple
- One whole Kiwi
- One inch of ginger
- Two teaspoonfuls of raw unfiltered desert honey