Baby Stacked Tower

Big Mama & Baby

Today is Spring Forward Day!  As you can see, Big Mama GT2 and Little Baby Stacked are doing just fine.  Starting 2017 Spring season with both old and new.  Mrs. Kale, Mr. Rainbow Chard and Dr. Aloe Vera are all 2 years old! and so is Grannhy Oregano!  Planted all of them in 2015 and they just keep on going, and going, and going! New members in Big Mama GT2 family are some arugula, romaine lettuce, tatchoy, and Prissy Pansy and Zippy Nasturtium.  Just love to add some nasturtium leaves and flowers whenever I have my salads.  They kick up the taste of the salad and added nice beautiful colors to it.   Oh, I don’t want to forget about Mr. Green onions which were grown from the root stubs  of store bought green onions, and now I don’t eve have to buy much anymore.  In the Baby Stacked Tower are some ornamental cabbages.  They tell me that you can eat them and I think I have tasted them when I ate a salad at a Japanese sushi restaurants in Vegas.  They taste pretty good sauteed in vinegar and sugar and peppercorns.  I also put in a Stevia and a pineapple mint plant.  Most of my herbs and strawberries did not survive the frosty cold winter except one, which really is prospering.  However, I lost my plant label, and don’t know what it is, so I will have to take a picture and ask some of my gardening friends to identify it for me.  Also seeded some reddish seed directly in the pot at the bottom, so will see how they will do in a few weeks.   #SpringForwardPlantingsGT2BabyStacked 

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