
All Wrapped Up

All wrapped up!

I decided to direct seed in the GT2 this Spring (more like summer, already 90+F) And with the constant strong Vegas wind, sometimes blowing all day long, after the seeds were sown, I decided to give the Tower some protection. I wrapped up the top and the next two rings with clear plastic wraps, leaving little openings for air circulation, and then for the lower rings I cut up some used plastic water bottles in half and put them inside the openings, securing each with a bamboo skewer by poking holes in them. This way, even with the wind blowing, the skewer kept the half bottles in place. If the pockets got dried up, I will just mist them with a sprayer. The plastics and plastic bottles should keep the seeds moist until they germinate and protected from the wind. We’ll see what happens in a few days. I also replanted the old lettuce and marigold seedlings, and keeping my fingers crossed that the new revitalized potting mix will do well, even with left over thin roots in them.

All Done
GT2 in a Mini Green House

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A personal blog about all things related to your Garden Tower as chronicled by Garden Tower Momma Charmaine

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