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Gotta See! The Amazing Local Plants On My Hawaii Vacay

I must apologize for not writing any postings for a while.  I have been gone for a while in Hawaii spending time with my family; my son from Tokyo and my youngest son and daughter-in-law from New York City.  Hawaii was heavenly.  We were on the island of Kauai.  Visited a coffee farm and made a 4 mile Kayak and one mile hike to a secret waterfall.  Bought some Peaberry flavor “Estate Reserve” coffee, the best flavor of coffee I have ever tasted.  Learned some interesting facts about trees and plants in the forest of Kauai on our hike.  Was able to go to a local Farm Market.  The fruits and vegetables there were out of this world, and the size of them!  Tasted some white pineapple, that was quite unusual and particularly sweet.  You should also see the giant size of avocado there, twice the size of a baseball!  And the star fruit too, my favorite, juicy and sweet.  I brought back a plantable Plumeria cutting, and now have it in a pot on the back porch. Most of the Plumeria flowers in Hawaii are in white with yellow center, but I bought one that is pink/red.   Hope it will start growing in the Vegas weather,   probably will have to take it inside in the winter.  Also brought back some Lolikoi Fruit (Passion Fruit) seeds that will grow into vines.  Don’t think any of them will fit in the GT2, but nevertheless, they are plants and even though I started this blog mainly about the Garden Tower, I would also like include other things relating to gardening.  Also my son bought some Ice Cream Bean from the Farmers Market. They are huge!  Suppose to taste like vanilla cream.  I tasted them, but not too impressed.  The pod itself is around 8 inches long, one a half inch wide.  The seeds were black and the size of 4 times the size of a  lima bean, but black in color.  One only eat the white membrane that is holding the seed.  The flavor is sweet, and suppose to taste like vanilla ice cream.  img_0139 img_0140 img_0138 img_3173 I was going to try to bring some of the seeds home, but my son warned me that they do not allow uncertified seeds or plants into the mainland and I could get jailed for it, so I gave up … huh…  bummer!

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A personal blog about all things related to your Garden Tower as chronicled by Garden Tower Momma Charmaine

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