
The Christmas Gift that Keeps On Giving

Hi ya’ll, this is Ian… Garden Tower Momma’s son. Mom gave us a wonderful gift this past Christmas—our very own Garden Tower 2. She also gave us some seedlings and all we had to do was plant them…

Then, two to three months later…

First season!

We’ve got fresh daily salad!

This is so awesome! We have Japanese komatsuna, two kinds of lettuce, radishes, tak choi, some mint, and… topping it off, these amazing crowns of broccoli. They’re still a bit young to pluck, but the joy of seeing them has been thrilling.

Baby broccoli!

There’s something so wonderful about growing your own food. We’ve not only saved alot of money on perishable greens, but we know exactly from where they’ve come and the love and care that’s been shown to them. There’s something beautiful about nurturing life and cherishing the nourishment these plants give us.

This has been a wonderful Christmas gift from my parents… as it just keeps on giving. I pray it continues for the whole year.

One thing I know, the worms most certainly enjoy the scraps I dump into the compost tube!

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A personal blog about all things related to your Garden Tower as chronicled by Garden Tower Momma Charmaine

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