It has been 10 days since the set up of the “Baby”, happy to report, wicking system in the “Baby” is working,...
For those of you who are reading this post and happens to live down under in Australia, check out the following link,...
Ugh! I tried. My Moma and Baby Tower are both barnished back indoors. So frustrating. most of the bushes around the condo...
The compost tube is kind of wasting space right now, while the seedlings are developing, I plant some flowers in a pot,...
Happy Valentine’s Day from my Garden Towers to your Garden Towers! And from me to you all!! What do you...
This has nothing to do with the Garden Tower, but related to gardening, and it brought back good memories of my father....
The following planting charts were done by Kristi Armes of Garden Tower Project. They are examples only. So you can...
For those of you who want to know the size of the Baby Stacked Garden, here is a picture to show...
Hallelujah! Yesterday, I watched the thermometer crept up over the 70’s. That was so nice! And I think I am being bit...
Finally finished! My special strawberry Baby Garden Tower, complete with worm tube in the middle and a water self watering wicking system...